19 Mar 2020
To our collaborators, customers, suppliers and partners

People. They are our inspiration for everything we do. And at this moment, Marcopolo S.A. reinforces its commitment to respect and value people. For this reason, concerned with the integrity of our collaborators, their families and the communities in which we are located, we have adopted the position of granting collective vacation at our units in Brazil. The measure is part of the company’s contingency plans to combat the proliferation of Covid-19. We monitor our international operations with the same attention and actions will be taken according to the evolution of the matter at each location.
Customers are also our reason for existing. And in the midst of such turbulence, our sales team, as well as the network of representatives, are on call and ready to jointly find the best alternatives and maintain sustainability of their businesses in this time of uncertainty. Always seeking the satisfaction of our customers, as soon as the activities are resumed, we will be engaged in delivering the expected orders in the portfolio.
It is important to mention that we are an economically sound company, which values ethics and business integrity. And this solidity will ensure that we fulfill the commitments assumed with our suppliers, partners and collaborators.
We continue to follow the matter, which changes rapidly, paying attention to the global scenario of instability and seeking to go through this period with the least impact on our operations. We have a robust portfolio of orders from customers in Brazil and abroad, public and private, which will allow production to resume as soon as sanitary issues permit.
Marcopolo wants you to take care of yourself, take care of others and save energy. Stay home. Except this period will be called “collective vacation”. This moment requires everyone’s awareness so that we can avoid accelerating contagion. We hope to return to normal soon to continue Bringing People Together.

James Bellini
José Antônio Valiatti




A Marcopolo segue as leis de LGPD. Veja nossa política

Coordenação Geral

Departamento de Marketing

[email protected]

Produção e edição de textos

Sabrina Leme MTB-RS 15062

Projeto Gráfico

Vinicius Pauletti