18 Mar 2020
Randon Companies and Marcopolo´s position on COVID-19

The Randon Companies and Marcopolo, aware of the social and economic role they play in the communities where they operate, are working on preventive actions that help combat the spread of Covid-19. Since the first warnings from the World Health Organization (WHO), since January, companies have started to adopt precautionary measures, which have been intensified according to the evolution of the disease. At the same time, they continue to work with commitment to the continuity of manufacturing activities, avoiding a greater impact on society.

At this moment, due to the scenario, companies are moving forward with their contingency plans. As of this Wednesday, March 18, people from a sensitive group who are immunosuppressed, asthmatic, hypertensive, diabetic, have cancer, have heart disease, are over 60 and pregnant women, are being evaluated. Companies will comply with medical regulations. For collaborators who have no one to leave their children with, in the case of school being suspended, companies will evaluate each case.

Expanding the home office regime will be another measure taken by companies to prevent the proliferation of the virus. This and other measures will continue until the period in which the companies deem it necessary.

In addition, since the beginning of the year, the Randon Companies and Marcopolo are promoting initiatives and guidelines for their collaborators, such as:

– A preventive campaign against respiratory infections;

– Providing a prevention kit (hand sanitizer, disposable tissues, masks) before travel;

– Sending masks and thermometers to collaborators in China (Regarding the Fras-le unit in China);

– Home isolation for professionals who have returned from international trips, or from Brazilian cities where community transmission already exists, and medical follow-ups as needed;

– Cancelling international travel, a measure that has been established since the beginning of March. National and regional travel is restricted, especially in cities where there is community contagion;

– Replacing face-to-face meetings, such as meetings and training, with videoconferences;

– Cancelling or postponing internal and external events held by companies;

– Increasing the supply of hand sanitizers for collaborators, especially in restaurants, hallways and locker rooms;

– Cleaning reinforcement of shared spaces, such as bathrooms, locker rooms, restaurants and transportation vehicles for collaborators;

– Restricting access for face-to-face visits to companies;

– Periodically sharing information and guidance on preventing Covid-19;

– Anticipating the vaccination campaign against the H1N1 flu, which, although it does not prevent Covid-19, helps in the correct diagnosis.

The companies are aware and monitoring, along with medical teams, collaborators who present some type of symptom, as well as other contexts that may impact their teams. They also have committees designed to study additional precautionary actions and that they are monitoring the scenario so that measures are taken effectively and at the required speed.

The Randon Companies and Marcopolo continue with their operations, manufacturing activities and responsibilities. Thus, they understand that they are contributing to maintaining regional and global economic sustainability, with operation in relevant sectors of the entire production chain, such as, for example, transportation, pharmaceutical and food industries, as has been happening in other countries, which continue with manufacturing activities.

The measures mentioned above may be changed as required. The companies will keep a close eye on the topic, which changes rapidly, and understand that now is a time to take precautions and commit to the health and well-being of their collaborators, family members and the communities in which they are located.


Marcopolo and Randon Companies, in continuity of the clarifications that have been provided to the community due to the Coronavirus, inform that they have organized themselves to grant vacation to their teams, as another way to contribute in the fight against Covid-19.

Marcopolo will adopt collective vacation at all units in Brazil, for a period of 20 days, starting on Monday, March 23. Additional information will be shared when there is a need and/or change of scenery.

Randon Companies have also opted to adopt a selective and/or collective vacation regime – which may vary according to the business unit and the region in which it is located – but with a start date to be defined in the coming days. In addition, these units that are on selective vacation will expand the use of home office, to have the minimum number of professionals in the same work environment. The details of this decision will be communicated in the coming days.

Marcopolo and Randon Companies understand that now is a time of precaution and commitment to the health and well-being of their collaborators, family members and the communities in which they are located, in addition to having the commitment to do everything possible to maintain their local and global economic sustainability.

Empresas Randon | Marcopolo S.A.


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Vinicius Pauletti