19 Feb 2021
What is Fog In Place technology and how can it optimize the sanitization of your bus?

Due to the continued spread of COVID-19, the transport sector had to rethink its practices to ensure the safety of drivers and passengers. The goal is simple: prevent and protect people against contamination by fungi, viruses and bacteria.

With that in mind, Marcopolo Next, a Marcopolo division focused on developing new businesses through innovation, launched a biosafety solution called Fog In Place (FIP). This technology was developed in record time with the main goal of safely resuming transport. This was all possible through a partnership with Aurratech, a Brazilian startup that is part of the product portfolio and Marcopolo BioSafe.
) What is Fog In Place?
According to Franciele Netto, commercial manager at Marcopolo Next, FIP technology is an “unprecedented and unique process to disinfect surfaces and environments through the air”. It takes place through nanoparticles of a biocidal solution, which can be used in sanitization, disinfection and even sterilization processes.

The fog generated by FIP® is a dry fog that does not leave the surfaces or equipment wet within the environment in which it is being applied. This means disinfection within minutes. At the same time, it is capable of reaching 100% of the area’s surfaces. This procedure must take place before and after each trip and only takes 20 minutes. It protects for up to three days.
What are the benefits of FIP Onboard?
Fog In Place has already been used by several sectors aside from transport, such as at events, companies and soccer stadiums. Thus, companies from different areas can ensure an environment free from contamination, with techniques that follow strict biosafety protocols.

In addition to its wide range of applicability, we cite the following advantages:

• 100% coverage of the space: Since it is a dry fog, the technology gets into all the hard to reach places.

• No risk of cross contamination. The entire procedure is done by machines, known as No Touch Disinfection (NTD). This way, Fog In Place ensures completely effective disinfection and eliminates the risk of human error – which is the biggest cause of cross contamination.

• Safety for all: the main goal of technology is to provide safety and confidence for all people to resume their activities

• Lasts up to 72 hours: through a nano protective film, FIP technology ensures safety of the space.
) How does FIP technology optimize sanitization of the bus?
With this knowledge, it was possible to understand how Fog In Place came to revolutionize the cleaning and disinfection of public transport. However, it is important to reinforce that the vehicle still needs to be cleaned.
It is worth mentioning that in order to ensure the efficiency of the technology, it is best to have the person responsible correctly clean after this period, after FIP is applied. In addition, people need to continue wearing masks, cleaning their hands and following the recommendations of health professionals.

This movement is an excellent example of how biosafety is here to stay. This concept refers to the set of studies and procedures that seek to minimize and control problems caused by research or biological applications.

There are a number of standards that address biosafety and many have been strengthened and created due to COVID-19. Companies need to follow these laws to protect people, preserve the environment and reduce health risks.

It was with this in mind that Marcopolo Next developed Marcopolo BioSafe, a platform of solutions that combine technology and innovation. That way, the company emphasizes its concern for the health of passengers and drivers, always at the forefront of movements in favor of the community.

We hope this article helped you learn a little more about FIP technology. It is the perfect recommendation for anyone looking for solutions to ensure the safety of drivers and passengers on all trips. Currently, there are over 550 buses with BioSafe items, which protect against several microorganisms – including the viruses that spread COVID-19.




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