08 Oct 2021
5 benefits of having an electric car

The popularity of the electric and hybrid car has increased in recent years. In 2020, sales hit an all-time high, with 66.5% growth compared to the previous year. The data compiled by Associação Brasileira do Veículo Elétrico (ABVE) reinforces a trend already seen in the market: the search for alternatives that are friendlier for the environment.

However, there are still many people who do not know what an electric car is or how it works. Questions about maintenance, performance and costs are frequent in the consumer’s mind. Understanding the advantages of vehicles powered by electricity can be the difference between buying the vehicle or not.

What is an electric car?
Anyone who thinks that this type of vehicle is recent is wrong. It dates back to the 19th century and was seen as a simpler and more comfortable alternative to everyday locomotion. However, the rapid development of gasoline vehicles and the increase in gas stations have put electric models on the back burner.

Over the years, the electric car has returned to the scene. Discussions about climate change have prompted car manufacturers to resume investments in electric-powered vehicles (EV). This eliminates the need to use fossil fuels, which are responsible for 74% of the emission of polluting gases.

This vehicle model is powered by an electrical current and depends on the following components:

• Rechargeable battery;
• Inverter;
• Induction motor;
• Energy recovery system.

The adoption of clean technology vehicles will be increasingly faster and necessary for sustainable urban mobility that preserves the environment. Marcopolo has been involved in different projects for vehicles powered by fuels from renewable sources for some years now, which reinforces our expertise in this segment as well.

In March 2021, Attivi Express was delivered. It is part of the launch of the project for the first 100% electric light vehicle on tires in Brazil and is in the final stages of development.

5 benefits of having an electric car
Understanding how an electric car works is the first step to learning its advantages. Even though its purchase cost is higher, the investment is worth it. After all, there is a reduction in fuel expenses and even with IPVA [vehicle taxes].

Check out the advantages of electric powered vehicles:

Less pollution
The main benefit of the electric car is the use of a cleaner energy matrix to make the motor turn. Like CNG-powered buses, this type of vehicle is friendlier for the environment.

Compared to the combustion motor, the electric propulsion motor reduces CO₂ generation by up to 30%. This is because most of the carbon dioxide production takes place during vehicle manufacturing, limiting the area covered by the pollution. Also, while the car is in use, it does not produce smoke. Thus, it compensates for the higher CO₂ production of its manufacture.

It is important to remember that this is one of the great disadvantages of vehicles powered by fossil fuels, such as gasoline and diesel. During the combustion process, several gases with harmful effects are released into the atmosphere. According to data from European Environment Agency, in 2016, the transport sector accounted for 22% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the European Union.

More efficiency
We also need to highlight the high efficiency of the electric car: its efficiency is almost 90%, while traditional cars do not exceed 40%. This means that electric powered models consume less energy to perform the same effort as combustion engines.

The electric motor is lighter, has a higher maximum speed and starts faster compared to a piston motor. When stepping on the accelerator, the motor starts almost instantly. Another highlight is the regenerative braking system, which makes it possible to recharge the battery while braking.

Thus, the energy that arises from the braking is converted into electrical energy that will be stored in the batteries. Vehicles can be charged anywhere that has a conventional outlet.

Less noise
Much is said about reducing environmental pollution, but the electric car also minimizes another type of “dirt”. Without fuel burning or an exhaust system, electric motors work silently. Thus, they provide a greater sense of acoustic comfort and well-being on board.

Ironically, the lack of noise created some problems. The European Union ordered automakers to develop an artificial noise in cars, especially when they are at low speeds. The objective is to prevent people with disabilities from suffering accidents.

Lower supply cost
In general, electricity is cheaper than gasoline, diesel and ethanol. In São Paulo, for example, the cost per kilometer of an electric vehicle is approximately BRL 0.11. To recharge and drive 200 km will cost around BRL 20. In a combustion car of similar size, the price per kilometer traveled reaches BRL 0.31. On the same route, the cost would BRL 62.

In addition to the lower cost of supply, owning an electric car contributes to other savings. By choosing this vehicle, the driver eliminates types of expenses such as changing the oil. It is estimated that these changes can reduce the cost of a car per kilometer driven by up to 50%.

Tax incentives
One of the biggest challenges of having an electric car is precisely due to taxes. However, there are already programs and initiatives that aim to reverse this situation.

Several states have adopted partial or total reduction of the IPVA for electric and hybrid cars. Maranhão, Paraná, Pernambuco, Piauí, Sergipe, Rio Grande do Sul and Rio Grande do Norte give a 100% tax exemption for vehicles powered by electricity. The Federal District approved the IPVA exemption for the next four years for those investing in an electric or hybrid car.

Other states have their own tax incentives or are awaiting approval by their respective Legislative Assemblies.

In this article, we discuss the main benefits of the electric car, which is gaining more and more space in the market. Marcopolo, maintaining its tradition of leadership, innovation and advanced technology, is also attentive to these innovations.

Click here and discover Attivi Express, a model of articulated urban bodywork dedicated to an electric propulsion chassis for trunk corridors and mobility systems for medium and large cities.




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